Agile EA Vision

The Ultimate Vision:

To create a Freely downloadable, stand-alone plug-in and open Eclipse Process Framework (EPF) plug-in for Agile Enterprise Architecture (AEA).

This AEA Process should be aligned to TOGAF, the Agile and Adaptive philosophies for modern software and be a very scaled down base component, from which more sophisticated Enterprise Architecture processes can be built from and extended.

We would collaborate with the TOGAF stakeholders and the EPF stakeholders to get consensus and approval.

The plug-in could then later be further decomposed into extending OpenUP Basic (and/or RUP) for common areas within IT so that we eliminate duplication, etc.

The short term vision:

To get a small to medium group of Enterprise and Process Architects together to formulate a starting position and show the sort of thing that can be built, before taking it to the EPF and TOGAF forums. This will enable a quicker more nimble start and get something out there which can help explain what we are trying to achieve. Fundamentally building upon the SPEM as a meta-model and the iterative and adaptive concepts, in terms of the dynamics of running an EA Practice.

The initial version will be completely stand alone (i.e. it will not Extend OpenUP basic or any other process). Obviously later we will take it to the next level where it can extend base processes and be extended from.

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